Practice Testing 

(a.k.a. Retrieval Practice)

3 - Key Points About Strategies

Practice Testing
(a.k.a. Retrieval Practice)

Retrieval Practice (d=.49) is the process of active retrieval of information from memory. Research shows that it strengthens the neural connections that encode new information in memory. 

Therefore, this helps to make the information more accessible and retrievable in the future. In addition, it also help to identify gaps in understanding and provide an opportunity for students to fill in those gaps through further learning and reflection.

As you watch the videos below, ask yourself, "How do these ideas fit together?"

2 -  Quotes That Resonated

Note: This diagram (below) shows interleaved, spaced vs massed practice in action. Add retrieval practice (low stakes assessments) to each 30 minute session to improve long-term information retention.

1 - Question You Have

What's a question you have about retrieval practice (a.k.a. practice testing, test-enhanced learning)?