Canva AI: Sample Prompts

Family Night Invitation

Write a short announcement with bullet items to Family Night for K-12 campus in a conversational tone of voice.

Upcoming Community Events

Share about upcomingg community events, and post reminders about safety tips or ideas for students at home.

2. Share special moments

Special Moment

Share about one special event happening at your school, in a classroom, or a day in the life of a student, faculty, or staff member.

Staff Spotlight

Shine the spotlight on a new or veteran staff member to show appreciation.

3. Increase engagement with pictures, graphics, and/or videos

Celebrate Student Achievements

Share extracurricular activities students are engaged in (3D printing club, science explorers, sports).

Share Student Creations

Students are creating content every day. Grab a few of those pictures and turn them into a video.

4. Share links to other content spaces