Collegial Coaching by Dr. Katie Alaniz
"Rather than attending one-size-fits all professional development sessions, teachers need more strategies for joining with colleagues in supporting one another’s growth in hands-on, authentic working relationships.
Collegial coaching offers an alternative to the more traditional approach. What’s more, it removes the fog of psychological isolation that can demoralize and harm teachers’ forward progress."
1-Introductory Videos
Dr. Kathy Alaniz' work is featured below, as is the work of peer coaching advocate, Les Foltos. Their work on peer or collegial coaching offers a powerful alternative to other approaches. Assist teachers in seeing what powerful teaching looks like.
2-Quotes, Images, and Articles
"Students are required to coach three colleagues to help them integrate three technology tools. It is absolutely incredible to witness…the confidence boost for teachers who are having trouble. . .this is key. Collegial coaching takes place between colleagues or peers. This sets it apart from other appraisal methods. . .Mutual respect is a key ingredient.
When peers coach peers, participant’s communications come more naturally than if they happened with a superior. Supportive, social networks come to life." Source: Dr. Katie Alaniz.
The Coaching CPR Model
"The Coaching CPR Model for technology integration is cyclical by nature, consisting of phases that intuitively interconnect with one another to form a complete, unified whole.
"Successful coaches support their coached teachers in identifying impactful instructional strategies that can be incorporated with minimal stress and maximum student success. They guide colleagues in seamlessly integrating proven pedagogical methods to covey content knowledge, even before considering which technological tools should be applied."
Source: The Coaching CPR Model graphic and text are excerpts from Dr. Kathy Alaniz's book, Collegial Coaching
"Collegial coaching engages educators in reflecting upon their current, immediate professional practices. It offers participants the opportunity to become creators of their own pertinent knowledge and skills.
Collegial coaching empowers the coach and coachee to use both reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action as they reflect together on new strategies fresh on their minds, both in the midst of, as well as after, key teaching experiences. This type of coaching cultivates the art of reflection as a vital component of professional practice."
Source: The Coaching CPR Model graphic and text are excerpts from Dr. Kathy Alaniz's book, Collegial Coaching
"Educators often say that education is frustratingly isolating. And if you talk with them about collaboration, you quickly learn that they know it can be a powerful tool to improve teaching and learning—and many feel a growing expectation to collaborate," says Les Foltos in Teachers Learn Better Together.
Educators can reduce isolation, learn collaboration. They need only focus on five key aspects:
Student learning
Peer privacy
"Coaching means side-by-side planning and working together with the same end goal in mind - Learning!" -Dr. Dawn Wilson
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I have spent the last 40 years in public education with 34 of them in a leadership role. In that time, I have seen numerous attempts to reform and improve instructional performance in schools. Some have been successful, but very few of them have been successfully implemented on a nationwide basis. Unfortunately, high schools, especially today, operate in a very similar manner to those of 75 years ago. In her work Collegial Coaching: Mentoring for Knowledge and Skills That Transfer to Real-World Applications, Dr. Katie Alaniz identifies and suggests solutions to this problem by recognizing that failed implementations are most often not the result of flawed methodology, but a failure of leadership. The most common operating practice of many leaders is simply to introduce the change and demand compliance. . . .
-- James McSwain, Consultant, International Baccalaureate; Adjunct Faculty Member, Houston Baptist University; Retired Area Superintendent, Houston ISD; Former High School Principal, Texarkana ISD
Coaching is one of the best tools educators can use to improve instruction and positively impact student learning outcomes. This book serves as a guide to instructional coaching and mentoring that supports the growth of not only teachers but more importantly their students.
-- Justin Burris, Clinical Assistant Professor, Mathematics Education, University of Houston
Collegial Coaching offers coaches invaluable guidance in their efforts to help teachers to integrate technology meaningfully. This work provides coaches with a variety of valuable resources to guide the journey from using technology to support traditional instruction to the goal of offering students authentic, engaging, technology rich learning. Alaniz also offers unique insights into how successful coaches build trust, learn with and from the peers, keep change reasonable, offer positive feedback, encourage reflection, and celebrate success. Collegial Coaching insists that the foundation all these coaching strategies rest on is the coach’s understanding that the collaboration between them and their learning partner must be driven by the needs of their partner.
-- Les Foltos, director of educational innovation at Peer-Ed,author of “Peer Coaching: Unlocking the Power of Collaboration”
This book provides a practical, flexible roadmap for school leaders who would like to help teachers begin to successfully use technology to increase student learning – or increase the effectiveness of their current technology integrations. Based on a sound philosophical and empirical foundation, the authors describe a practical process that is likely to work much better than traditional in-service. They provide sufficient detail so that someone could actually implement their suggestions.
-- Linda Brupbacher, professor emerita, taught for 44 years at both the elementary and university level, 2008 Texas Piper Professor
What I liked most about this book is the pairing of collegial coaching and technology. Although I have heard about some of the ‘best practices’ and processes in which instructional technologists engage as well as actively sought them out myself (however poorly), I have seldom seen a guidebook or a roadmap to success that fundamentally addresses the issues so well.
-- Miguel Guhlin, author and director of technology operations, Texas, recipient of the ISTE "Making IT Happen" Award, president of Technology Education Coordinators