Creating Classroom eBooks
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Locating eBooks
Below, you will find some sites I have used in the past to find non-DRM (Digital Rights Management) formatted ePubs. Finding non-Digital Rights Management (a.k.a. non-DRM) books can be a challenge for schools. This may be why OverDrive is heavily used in many libraries, and solutions like BiblioTech are quite popular.
Note: As in any library or book store, there exists content that may be inappropriate for younger readers. Have learning conversations with students and parents when counseling that they “find free stuff” to read on the web. With that caveat in mind, I have tried to link to the Children’s/Juvenile section of each ebook distributor below.
Converting eBooks from One Format to Another
Need to convert ebooks from one format to another? Use Calibre, the free open source software that works on any computer (not Chromebooks, though).
Here's how it's described:
Using Calibre to convert is very easy.
Plug in your e-book reader.
Open Calibre and click the "Add books" button on the top left. Select your book.
Click open. Select your book in the library list. By now Calibe should have detected your e-book reader.
Click "Send to device" in middle of the top toolbar.
Calibre is smart enough to know if the book is in a format supported by your reader. If it's not, it will ask you if you want to auto convert it. Say yes, and it will take care of the conversion and put the book on your reader.
Calibre worries about the formats and converting for you. Auto conversion is the easiest way to go and in most cases will be all you need to do.
Slide Deck EBook Templates
Use one of the many available ebook templates available in Powerpoint to create your own Google Slides eBook. It's pretty easy.
While most PDF ebooks being shared are usually short, beautifully designed, you can use Google Slides as a collaborative eBook development tool.