How It Works
3-Step Jigsaw Method
- Home group splits up into expert groups to explore a specific aspect of a topic.
- Regroup into home groups to discuss findings from each expert group.
- Split back into expert groups to consider the whole in light of Home Group insights.
Another Way to See It
Give It A Try
1 - Review The Process
In Your Home Group
Divide into groups. This is your Home Group.
Number of so that each person in the group has a number.
Each member of the Home Group will be responsible for learning and teaching one "chunk" of content to your peers, assigned by the number you have.
Take a look at your content chunk.
Go join your Expert Group, the people who have the same number as you, to begin the activity.
In Your Expert Group
Working alone in your Expert Group
Study your assigned resource for 8 minutes.
Jot down the big takeaways, the key points, and/or the must-knows. This jigsaw notes organizer will come in handy.
In Home Group for Reporting
Return to your Home Group. You now have just two minutes each to teach the others in your group what each Expert learned. Use the resources/notes you created as you share.
Individual Self-Assessment
The Jigsaw Method doesn't work unless we assess the learning. So now, individually, please draw your responses to the following questions:
What does Hattie’s research mean to you as an educator?
What are the takeaways?
What is one strategy shared in resources that works?
2 - Try It Out
Content Chunks
These content chunks focus on two strategies that help with feedback. The first is feedback itself. The second is retrieval practice. You will learn about these two powerful strategies while exploring digital tools.