Area 2: Student-Centered Coaching

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“When schools lack a clearly articulated coaching model, confusion reigns and a precious resource is wasted.” 

-Diane Sweeney, EL Magazine

In this area, you will dig deep on the work of Diane Sweeney, who has published several books focused on student-centered coaching. She offers some key ideas about how to approach coaching.

In this excerpt of her work, notice how she organizes the work between coach and teacher using her results coaching tool.

Remember to jot down your notes in the organizer.

1. Did You Know? Impact of Coaching

People often ask, "Does coaching really make a difference?" This chart offers a powerful response based on research.

"Effective coaching makes it easier for teachers to learn and implement new ideas. Indeed, without follow-up such as coaching, most professional learning will have little effect." 

-Jim Knight

2. Watch the Video

Diane Sweeney does a wonderful job exploring the Coaching Cycle, connecting to Hattie's Visible Learning, discussion of formative assessments, and more.

Note: This is a 17 minute video. You may not be able to watch the whole thing but you have time for as much as you need (about 7 minutes). ;-)

3. Exploring Coaching Tools & Cycles

Check out these coaching tools from Diane Sweeney in her blog entry and the video.

Source: Diane Sweeney, Coaching Cycles: Getting to 60%

Sample Coaching Tool - Get a copy you can edit of this result-based coaching coaching tool. 

This copy was re-created in Google Docs by Miguel Guhlin while watching this video before he found out Diane had it online at her blog.

Diane Sweeney has AMAZING resources in her books, website, and videos available. I explore some additional coaching models (e.g. The Impact Cycle, Collegial Coaching) in my Becoming a Coach session. STOP! Don't click that link. That's TOO MUCH for today's activity.

Try these sentence stems to get the conversation moving

Expert Discussion Question

How can you structure coaching in your school(s) to support implementation of evidence-based instructional strategies and technology?

BONUS: Into Jim Knight? Check This Out

How do Jim Knight's Coaching Models and John Hattie's approaches go together?

On March 20, 2019, Jim Knight wrote an article for the Center for Research on Learning to explain how. It is a MUST-READ. Or, read My Notes on the article

Also check out, Good as Gold series, Why We Focus on the Wrong Drivers in Education

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