Station 3

Step 1 - Develop a Solution


"How will you assess student learning if they watch a video?" asked your principal. "Is this flipped learning I've heard so much about?"

Project & Task

Try out some different assessment tools, such as Google Forms, and more for assessing instructional videos you share with your students to watch. Take an existing video you have created, or one that's already available online, and setup an assessment for it using your tool of choice.

While grading policies for every learning situation may differ, consider taking advantage of video annotation and quizzing tools that enable students to interact and reflect on video.

While assessing learning resulting from pre- or post-video watching activities, remember that you need not rely on traditional paper-and-pencil approaches.

Step 2 - Explore and Create


Depending on the devices your team has available, explore the available suggested apps (or come up with some of your own) to create the product.

Assessment Tools & Annotation Tools

Video Reflection Tools

In addition, students can also rely on video reflection tools that work similar to discussion boards, but use video instead of text.

Step 3 - Share

Turn Your Project Creation as a Video, Photo, or Link via Padlet at