Google EDU 101
Welcome to these short video series covering some introductory G Suite EDU topics.
The goal is to provide some context for the subsequent modules which focus on Google Educator Level 1. These videos provide a quick overview and are about 9-11 minutes long. Remember, you can always pause a video and come back to it, or make a note of when you stopped watching then pick up from there.
1 - Start with Google Drive
This 4 part video series gives you an overview of Google Drive, encouraging you to get accustomed to going to to start out rather than your Gmail window. The reason why is that some districts use Office 365 for email (not recommended) in lieu of G Suite EDU Gmail.
This series also cover Shared with Me, Recent, Starred, Shortcuts to files, copying and moving files, grid vs list view and putting folders of files and files into Drive from your computer, Sharing Folders and Files.
Some videos have been made in direct response to a question in the forums:
Watch video. Explains Google Docs ownership transfer and how to make copies of Google Docs online
2 - Creating, Sharing, Editing & Copying
These videos present a short overview of how to create, edit and share content at the document level. We also address the ever important need to make copies of Google Docs.
3 - Gmail, Tasks and Sheets
Watch Gmail Overview: In this quick 10 minute video, we explore how to deal with a full inbox, discuss archiving everything to All Mail, present Inbox Zero as a strategy to organize incoming emails.
Watch Customizing Gmail: In this video, learn how to adjust your Gmail Starred items setting, customize the theme, Priority Inbox, and split pane view.
Watch Google Sheet Basics: In this video, learn how to sort data in Google Sheets (spreadsheet), use simple formula like Average, format your rows, and more.
4 - Productivity (via Google)
The following videos are short snippets from Google to aid your productivity. They are very short but may aid your understanding of each topic.
There are many more. See them online.