Google Hacks
Howdy! Welcome to my Google Hacks page. If you're just visiting and not in a presentation, you may find this quick intro to Google Hacks worth watching.
Howdy! Welcome to my Google Hacks page. If you're just visiting and not in a presentation, you may find this quick intro to Google Hacks worth watching.
Announcements and Neat Stuff
Announcements and Neat Stuff
Two, new incredible tools announced! Those are Google's Screencast tool for Chromebook and Cast Moderator. Both make recording lessons and teaching so much easier.
Two, new incredible tools announced! Those are Google's Screencast tool for Chromebook and Cast Moderator. Both make recording lessons and teaching so much easier.
Here are a few updates and neat things worth sharing. How many are you familiar with?
Here are a few updates and neat things worth sharing. How many are you familiar with?
#1 - Google Hacks
#1 - Google Hacks
Create New Google docs, etc. like this:
Type "" to get a new G Docs
Type "" to get a new Sites
Type "" to get new Sheets
A Few More...
A Few More...
Know About Wakelet?
Know About Wakelet?
Want to share or get ALL the links on this page? Use the Google Hacks Wakelet shown above. Learn more about Wakelet.
Google Hacks Links
Google Hacks Links
Make Magic with Google Sheets
Make Magic with Google Sheets
Did you know Google Sheets brings a host of powerful features. Let's explore some function, add-ons and exciting possibilities with Google Sheets!
Did you know Google Sheets brings a host of powerful features. Let's explore some function, add-ons and exciting possibilities with Google Sheets!
#2 - Other Neat Stuff
#2 - Other Neat Stuff
Exploring with MMTSs, HyperDocs, and PBL Stations
Exploring with MMTSs, HyperDocs, and PBL Stations
On Your Own
On Your Own
G Suite in the Classroom
G Suite in the Classroom
Blog Entries
New at Google Classroom? Explore this MMTS!
New at Google Classroom? Explore this MMTS!
Google Classroom offers many opportunities for creating a virtual learning space. This multimedia text set (MMTS) will help you give you a quick introduction and overview of Google Classroom.
Google Classroom offers many opportunities for creating a virtual learning space. This multimedia text set (MMTS) will help you give you a quick introduction and overview of Google Classroom.
Use links below to explore Google Classroom
Use links below to explore Google Classroom
Embark on a GoogleQuest!
Embark on a GoogleQuest!
Ready for a more in-depth look at Google Classroom? Check out this hyperdoc on Creating the Right Classroom for Your Class. Notice the organization is a bit different.
Ready for a more in-depth look at Google Classroom? Check out this hyperdoc on Creating the Right Classroom for Your Class. Notice the organization is a bit different.
Get Started Now!
Get Started Now!