GC: Sheets
I can create a new Google Sheets document.
I know how to add and format data in Google Sheets.
I know how to create simple formulas such as Average, Hyperlink, Sum, and more.
I know how to create graphs and charts, as well as copy them to their own Sheets tab or embed them in a Google Doc.
I know how to customize the colors in a chart.
I know how to apply various formats to one or more cells at a time.
I know how to use fill down with SHIFT or CTRL key combinations.
I can use conditional formatting to make my data look more organized in tables.
Reflection Invitation
Allow me to invite you to reflect on what you are learning today. You can use this Jamboard to take notes on three areas:
What you've seen today
What it means for teaching and learning or your work
And what next steps or changes can you make to your work based on those
You can also get a copy of the Google Slides that serves as the template for the Jamboard here.