GC: Slides
Meet Google Slides
Creating a slide show with others? Need to insert a YouTube video into a slide? Google Slides, a slide show presentation program, makes the job easy. You have access to a variety of features you may be familiar with, such as slide transitions, themes for layouts, the ability to insert images and text, as well as merge slide shows together. You can crop images to various shapes, as well, and create hyperlinked table of contents.
Some other advantages to using Slides:
It features revision history, like other G Suite tools (such as Docs)
You can adjust the dimensions of a slide to create special sized slide shows
Collaboration, available via the SHARE button, is possible with live commenting from viewers if you share the link
Leave comments on any slide, as well as see who is working on any given slide with a thumbnail pic
Self-Assess: Turn and Talk
Review the checklist below. What do you know how to do? When you are done reflecting, Turn and Talk with someone nearby. Do this:
- Share ONE thing you know how to do well.
- Share ONE thing you want learn more about.
Checklist for Self-Assessment
I can create a new Google Slides presentation.
I am able to add a slide.
I can change the background.
I know how to insert a text box, shape, and line.
I can insert a graphic from Google Drive.
I can duplicate and delete a slide.
I can insert audio and/or video into a slide.
I can organize my slides with the grid view and return to the filmstrip view.
Want to revisit a checklist item after this session is done? Click the bold, underlined link for each checklist item to watch a short reminder video.
What Can I Do With It?
With Google Slides, you can do almost anything. It is one of the most versatile tools Google offers, empowering you to do any or all of the following:
Create a digital photo slide show
Devise a digital newsletter with embedded video and audio
Make infographics or flyers
Offer digital choice boards
Assemble multimedia text sets to accelerate exploration of a topic or idea with audio and video components
Develop a narrated slide deck with audio and music