GC: Choice Boards
In this session, participants will learn how to create various types of choice boards using Google Drawings, Google Slides, and/or Wakelet.
Ready to Get Started?
What are Choice Boards?
Why Use a Choice Board?
What is the Creation Process?
Exploring 4 Choice Board Creation Tools
Google Slides
Google Drawing
MS OneNote
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John Hattie Says in "Visible Learning" (2009):
Learning progressions ensure that appropriately higher expectations of challenges are provided to students...there is not one right trajectory of progress for all student.
Instead, it is more critical to analyse closely how students progress….there is also the question of how to move each student forward from wherever they start through these levels of achievement….”
What Are Choice Boards?
A choice board is a graphic organizer that allows students to choose how they will learn a concept. Usually a choice board carries these aspects.
9-square grid
Each square has an activity
Each activity should relate to one of the multiple intelligences
Level of difficulty can vary or stay consistent
Read Peggy Reimers on Creating a Choice Board for Your Classroom at the TCEA TechNotes blog
Why Use a Choice Board?
Educational research has shown that choice leads to more confident, more capable, and more interested students. Alfie Kohn’s classic article “Choices for Children” cites the findings of a number of studies on student choice.
A study that showed that giving second graders choice in learning tasks led to greater task completion in less time.
High school students asked to write up chemistry problems without step-by-step instructions completed better write-ups and later remembered the material better than those who had been told exactly what to do.
Student choice, when implemented in the right way, works. See 10 reasons why choice boards are so amazing in this TCEA TechNotes blog entry, Create Interactive Learning with Choice Boards
What Is the Choice Board Creation Process?
The process you choose reflects what you know and how you connect ideas and information. Some steps you can follow:
1. Choose the concept/standard to be addressed
2. Outline or draw out your concept map
3. Make a list of discrete ideas/skills/strategies
4. Connect those to modalities that meet the needs of different students
5. Design the choice board in your tool of choice
Activity #1: Explore Creation Tools
Divide up into groups of FOUR
Decide who will explore which creation tool (5 minutes), using this digital organizer to take notes (paper copies available from facilitator)
Share about them to Your Team (8 minutes)
Need to make a copy of a template? For Google Drawings and Slides, simply go to FILE->MAKE A COPY. For Wakelet, go to COPY.
Activity 2: Make Your Own
In this activity, you will make a Team Choice Board about Ideas Learned at this event so far (or whatever you want).
Decide on a tool to use
Map It Out
Use a template to get started or create your own
Share Your Creation on this Padlet